Be Pro-Work

Douglas Weltman
1 min readAug 19, 2022

Implicit in anti-work beliefs is the idea that one’s current lot cannot be meaningfully improved through greater effort. For anybody’s particular situation, this is either: true, or false.

If the anti-work premise is true, then if one cannot change their situation, the consequence is that one’s life cannot be improved via professional avenues, and that one has maxxed out. Does this belief lend itself to happiness and fulfilment? If you’re really into your hobby or some other project, then maybe. But in every other case, it’s counter-productive.

If the anti-work premise is false, and one can improve one’s lot through effort and dedication, then an anti-work belief or attitude is highly destructive to one’s long-term wellbeing, particularly early in one’s career when the fruits of greater effort and drive can be enjoyed over a longer duration.

Unless they’re advising you to change your situation, anybody who is propagating anti-work brainworms is not your friend, does not have your best long-term interests at heart, and is advancing a harmful belief out of what are likely selfish or naïve motivations.

If you care about your career and see your current job as supporting it, then don’t be anti-work, and be careful about your exposure to people who are.

